API Documentation

Enrich your data via API

With Orbitly's API, you can enrich leads and contacts programatically. Find emails, phone numbers, and social media profiles simply by sending Orbitly some input data like an email or a LinkedIn profile or a phone number to find additional details about the contact. Check here to see what data you can pass in to get a proper enriched lead response. You can send up to 100 records to be enriched at a time with a single API request, rate limited at 100 requests per minute.

URL endpoint

This is the URL endpoint you will make HTTP requests to in order to get a response for the leads you want enriched. Make sure to use a POST request.

-- CODE language-js -- POST https://app.orbitly.io/api/leads


In order to use this API, you must send some info in your HTTP Headers in order to properly authenticate your account. What you will need is your Api Key that you can find when you go to Settings → Account → Developer after you have logged into Orbitly. Be sure to include Bearer in front of your Api Key in the value of your Authorization Header value and set the Content-Type Header value as application/json.

-- CODE language-js -- { Authorization: "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE", Content-Type: "application/json" }


In your request, you'll need to include some JSON data with your request in order to receive a proper response with enriched records. The main key-value you will need in your JSON for your request is requests with an array of params where you specify the email, or phone, or social media profile, or name + company combination you want to look up. Check here to see what other input params you can send in your request. Optionally, you can specify a required key-value if you want to enrich and use a credit only if a phone or email or LinkedIn profile exists (or other social media profile) so you don't use unnecessary credits if the data you want is not found. You can even use boolean operators like the example below to only look for records if a LinkedIn profile AND either (a phone OR an email) is found. Each successful record enriched will deduct 1 credit from your account.

-- CODE language-js -- { "requests": [ { "params": { "email": ["steve@woz.org"] } }, { "params": { "profile": ["https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianchesky/"] } }, { "params": { "phone": ["17186893174"] } } ], "required": "profiles.network:linkedin AND (phone_numbers OR emails)" }


Below is an example of a response you'd expect to see from the API request above. As you can see, different records have different data available but as long as a record is found, a credit will be deducted.

-- CODE language-js -- [ { "status": 200, "data": { "orbitly_credits_used": 1, "orbitly_name": "steve wozniak", "orbitly_first_name": "steve", "orbitly_last_name": "wozniak", "orbitly_personal_emails": "woz@me.com", "orbitly_phone": "", "orbitly_phones": "", "orbitly_current_company": "apple", "orbitly_current_company_size": "10001+", "orbitly_current_company_website": "apple.com", "orbitly_companies": "abc television, acquicor, apple, sandisk, apple", "orbitly_location": "san francisco, california, united states", "orbitly_linkedin_url": "http://linkedin.com/in/steve-wozniak-69395713", "orbitly_facebook_url": "", "orbitly_twitter_url": "http://twitter.com/stevewoz", "orbitly_medium_url": "", "orbitly_github_url": "", "orbitly_angellist_url": "http://angel.co/stevewoz", "orbitly_gravatar_url": "", "orbitly_klout_url": "", "orbitly_aboutme_url": "", "orbitly_current_title": "co-founder of apple computers", "orbitly_email": "stevew@apple.com", // orbitly_emails is deprecated "orbitly_work_emails": "stevew@apple.com, steve.wozniak@sandisk.com, ideas@woz.org, steve@woz.com, steve@woz.org" } }, { "status": 200, "data": { "orbitly_credits_used": 1, "orbitly_name": "brian chesky", "orbitly_first_name": "brian", "orbitly_last_name": "chesky", "orbitly_personal_emails": "bchesky@gmail.com, mpease@gmail.com", "orbitly_phone": "", "orbitly_phones": "", "orbitly_current_company": "", "orbitly_current_company_size": "", "orbitly_current_company_website": "", "orbitly_companies": "airbnb", "orbitly_location": "", "orbitly_linkedin_url": "http://linkedin.com/in/brian-chesky-0645924", "orbitly_facebook_url": "", "orbitly_twitter_url": "", "orbitly_medium_url": "", "orbitly_github_url": "", "orbitly_angellist_url": "", "orbitly_gravatar_url": "", "orbitly_klout_url": "", "orbitly_aboutme_url": "", "orbitly_current_title": "", "orbitly_email": "brian.chesky@airbnb.com", "orbitly_work_emails": "brian.chesky@airbnb.com, brian@airbedandbreakfast.com, brian@airbnb.com, brian.chesky@airbedandbreakfast.com" } }, { "status": 200, "data": { "orbitly_credits_used": 1, "orbitly_name": "alexis ohanian", "orbitly_first_name": "alexis", "orbitly_last_name": "ohanian", "orbitly_personal_emails": "alexis.ohanian@gmail.com", "orbitly_phone": "17186893174", "orbitly_phones": "17186893174", "orbitly_current_company": "", "orbitly_current_company_size": "", "orbitly_current_company_website": "", "orbitly_companies": "initialized capital", "orbitly_location": "palm beach gardens, florida, united states", "orbitly_linkedin_url": "http://linkedin.com/in/alexis-ohanian-sr-6b55921", "orbitly_facebook_url": "http://facebook.com/alexisohanian", "orbitly_twitter_url": "http://twitter.com/alexisohanian", "orbitly_medium_url": "", "orbitly_github_url": "http://github.com/breadpig", "orbitly_angellist_url": "", "orbitly_gravatar_url": "", "orbitly_klout_url": "", "orbitly_aboutme_url": "http://about.me/alexis", "orbitly_current_title": "", "orbitly_email": "alexis@initialized.com", "orbitly_work_emails": "alexis@initialized.com, alexis@breadpig.com, contact@alexisohanian.com, alexis_ohanian@ihacares.com, a@sevensevensix.com" } } ]